Wyman's Teen Outreach Program
Wyman’s Teen Outreach Program acknowledges that adolescence is a time of rapid change and growth physically, mentally, emotionally and socially. This program aims to help teens improve social and emotional learning, support a positive sense of self, strengthen connections to others, improve academic outcomes, decrease risky behavior, and build life skills.

Each program participant (ages 11-19) must complete a certain amount of Community Service-Learning Project hours that develop a concept of the importance of togetherness and helping others. Each lesson covers each of the multiple learning strategies to ensure every participant is taught in their own style of learning.

AZYP's Wyman Teen Outreach Program (TOP) is designed for youth to attend at no cost!
Opportunities for youth to strengthen connection with others and engage within their communities
Improved academic outcomes and decreased participation in risky behaviors
Social and emotional learning skill building for becoming tomorrow's leaders.
Fun, interactive lessons and student-led community service learning
Wyman's TOP is offered at group homes, schools, and community center settings
Offered over a 32 week period
Students see the same instructors throughout the school year​
Participants are aged 11-19, 6th-12th grades
Program is funded by a grant from Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS)
100% of youth surveyed reported they learned new life skills
95% felt they helped make a positive difference in the lives of others through their community service learning projects
The teens outreach program serves over 155 youth per year

Our Locations:
Services are provided statewide either in person or through virtual programming throughout the state of Arizona.
If you are interested in seeing one of our programs at your location
please contact us.