2011-2012 Annual Report
Over the past three years I have had the honor of serving on the Board of Directors for Arizona Youth Partnership (AzYP). During that time, I have been consistently humbled by the dedication, compassion and generosity of every individual involved with this organization. Beginning with the executive team and extending out across Arizona, the staff of Arizona Youth Partnership leads with their heart, and consistently delivers quantifiable results towards achieving our long-term goals of reducing and preventing generational poverty. The success of our organization is theirs and I humbly thank them.
When I assumed the position of Board President eighteen months ago, AzYP was at a major crossroads. We had lost major sources of public funding due to conditions beyond our control and the need in our communities was growing. In order to adapt to this changing landscape major changes were made to both our structure and our funding model. I have heard this compared to rebuilding an airliner while still in flight, and do not disagree with this analogy. Our board knew that we faced some very serious challenges, yet in spite of this committed not to cut services to the communities we serve.

It is with extreme pleasure and gratitude that I can say we have weathered this storm and come out stronger. Over the past year and a half the transition to a more balanced fiscal approach has begun, including fee-for-service, public support, and private donations. We have been able to open a homeless youth shelter in Kingman, Arizona, and perhaps most importantly we have founded a subsidiary non-profit, the Open Doors Community School (ODCS) to operate a charter school. Open Doors is the culmination of the first 20 years of AzYP’s history and mission.
Every challenge presents a new opportunity and every opportunity a new set of challenges. Our work is just beginning. Now is not the time to rest on our laurels. The road ahead for AzYP and ODCS is bright and exciting. It is my hope that I have been able to leave the organization better and stronger than when I assumed the role of President. I know that I leave it in good hands as David Smith and the Executive Commit- tee are some of the finest people I’ve ever had the pleasure of serving with.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve.
Robert S. Campbell, II Board President, 2010-12