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Linking Actions for Healthy
Mothers & Babies (LAHMB)
Program Consortium

Expected Outcomes
Through the LAHMB Consortium, our goals include:
Reducing the incidence and impact of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS)
Employing a multi-dimensional approach across the preconception, prenatal, and post-partum continuum
Engaging, educating, and coordinating services for at-risk individuals and pregnant/parenting families across Gila County
Improving early identification and intervention for Substance Use Disorder (SUD) among pregnant women and mothers
Enhancing labor and delivery practices for mothers with SUD
Improving postpartum support for mothers and babies
Enhancing outreach and education on healthy pregnancy, parenting, and SUD disease prevention
Improving coordinated and uniform data collection procedures among providers
Consortium Partnerships
Our program brings together a diverse range of partners, including:
Gila County - Globe
Cobre Valley Regional Medical Center
Gila County Sheriff’s Office
Copper Hills Family Advocacy Center
GILA House, Inc
Community Bridges Behavioral Health
San Carlos
Izeé Baa GowÄ…h, San Carlos Apache Healthcare System
Nnee Bich’o Nii Department
Public Transit & TANF
Interested in joining the Consortium?
Contact us at 520-744-9595
Arizona Youth Partnership Employs
Evidence-Based and Promising Practice Models
We employ various evidence-based and promising practices, such as:
InJoy Comprehensive Understanding Birth Childbirth Curriculum
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) Framework
Motivational Interviewing Best Practices
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) Questionnaire

AZYP's LAHMB initiative represents a significant leap forward in enhancing healthcare coordination and delivery to pregnant and parenting families in the region.
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