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Saclaz Fentanyl and Psychostimulant Toolkit

Substance use prevention coalitions from across Arizona are working together in a first-of-its-kind effort to save lives in Arizona. With the alarming rise of fentanyl and counterfeit pill deaths, coalition leaders created a toolkit to aid communities in preventing and reversing overdoses. The toolkit contains educational materials and resources that can be customized for each community the coalition serves.


Primary substance abuse prevention is simply stopping drug use before it starts. It includes those preventive measures that come before the onset of drug use and addiction. Raising awareness about substance issues and educating on the harms of drugs are two primary ways that substance abuse prevention coalitions work to prevent youth drug use.

Youth drug use is at an all-time low, having steadily declined over decades, in part due to primary prevention efforts. But, in recent years we have witnessed the alarming rise of youth vaping of both nicotine and marijuana.

Studies show that any drug use, whether it be once or multiple times, can damage the developing brain. That’s why substance abuse prevention coalitions focus on stopping youth drug use before it starts.

Our Locations:

Services are provided statewide either in person or through virtual programming throughout the state of Arizona.

If you are interested in seeing one of our programs at your location please contact us. 

Julie Craig
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